Woman mugged on Eastern Parkway

August 4, 2008 Filed under Shmira News

photo by chabad.info

photo by chabad.info

Sunday, August 3, 2008 8:30pm:A Crown Heights Shmira member, patrolling on Eastern Parkway between Kingston and Brooklyn Avenues, witnessed two African American males snatch a bag from a passing woman. The two men were sitting on a bench drinking beer, when the unsuspecting woman passed by. The Shmira member immediately alerted other members of the condition and approached the two perpetrators requesting they remain seated until the Police arrive.

Additional Shmira members responded and 911 was dispatched. After roughly 30 seconds the perpetrators decided they did not want to wait around and began to run away. Shmira members and Officers of the 71st Precinct responding from different directions closed in on one of the perps, on the south side of the street. The other perp ran across the street. Other Shmira members closed in on him and a passing E.S.U. truck was flagged down and the Officers approached.

Meanwhile the victim had disappeared, frightened by the encounter. Shmira members were on the phone with the victim however she absolutely refused to return to the scene to file a complaint. When the victim failed to come forward, the Police Officers on the north side of the street let the perp go free. The Officers on the south side of the Street however, arrested the second perp for an open container of alcohol and urinating in public.


Criminals are known to return and repeat the offence in the same areas. If you are the victim of any crime, G-d forbid you must file a complaint and press charges against the criminal. If this is not done you can be placing other people’s lives in danger. The criminal will return and someone else might not be as lucky as you. There is no reason to be afraid since the perp will be behind a tinted window and will not be able to see you during a lineup. The only reason to be afraid is if you do not press charges and the criminal is still out there.



14 Responses to “Woman mugged on Eastern Parkway”
  1. joey says:

    i saw this story on the hebrew side of chabad.info how come it took so long to get an english version of this story the women should try to press charges now once he is in the police station she might be less scered

    this story is very sad shmira gets lucky and catches the perps and victem does’nt show up thank g-d for the beer

  2. dovid says:

    wow burach hashem shmira great job catching the thugs ur lucky the cops were not anti semites and dident arrest you guys because the complainent was not there even thow you witnnesed it great job keep up the great work

  3. Yossi says:

    Thank you Officers of the 71
    YOu guys rock the house
    you responded quickly and did a great Job.
    unlike those ESU guys that let the other guy go!!

  4. Shua says:

    I heard Shmira had an amazingly quick response to this call with lots of units showing up

  5. levi says:

    thank you shmira the passed 2 weeks you guys incredible job you guys locked up almost 10 thugs in short period of time kol hakevod be safe at there keep up the great work

  6. Member says:

    Victims Be AWARE….


    As it is the job of Shmira and the NYPD to “serve and protect” but you and only you are the one that can but the perp away!!! if you do not make a report it is as if it never happened and it just makes the NYPD mad.

    PLEASE. if you see something say something. If you are a victim of any crime YOU MUST MAKE A REPORT.

    Please help us to help you so we can continue doing what we do best and we can all live in a safer and more secure community.

    A Shmira Member.

  7. chabad says:

    nice pics!!!

  8. Fruma says:

    Thank G-d for those Officers from the 71st who realized that the guy was a thug and took him in for the beer etc..

    but this woman should come forward and press charges.
    If one of these to were to strike again within the next little while i don’t lnow how she could forgive herself

  9. Danny says:

    People,we must be aware of our surroundings at all times.
    Be on the alert!
    if you see some guys sitting outside drinking beer walk a little bit away from them so as not to give them a chance to start up with you.

  10. Zalman says:

    happy to see you are being matzliach in your work, may Hashem give the strength to keep on stronger and stronger

  11. Mushky says:

    Shmira is so amazing.Thank you.

  12. Mike says:

    Gr8 to see Shmira doing a good job in Crown Heights, Keep up the good work.
    and Good will Prevail the Evil.

    Good Luck, with regards from Mike, San Francisco California.

  13. yossi.F says:

    i saw the chsp car going very fast up kingston and got the guy …

    g-d bless those who are in the car all night keeping us safe
    keep up the good work !!!

  14. CH says:

    Wow every site put this story on http://www.CrownHeights.CH Shmais.com and Chabad.info both sides of Chabad.info English & Hebrew sides, Shmira is getting big