Crown Heights Shmira Camera Registration

Help us keep the community safe

Sign up here
Crown Heights Shmira has used security footage for years to assist in tracking down criminals but we need your help. Shmira currently has a database of cameras in Crown Heights but we would like to expand our program.
Shmira having access to multiple cameras on different blocks has enabled the organization to link multiple crimes to the same perpetrator, enabling us to get higher charges against that perpetrator.
If you have a camera system at your home or business, even if you think you don’t have the best camera or angle, please consider signing up.
If you have any questions, you can call us at 718-221-0303 or send us an email at
P.S. If you need assistance with your camera system (i.e. if it’s not working), send us an email – we may be able to help you.
Also, if you’re in an area or intersection with little to no camera surveillance, we may be able to help you set it up.