Mugging on President Street, Crown Heights

August 3, 2008 Filed under Shmira News

Thursday, July 31, 2008 12:30am: Crown Heights Shmira received a call that a Bocher (young student) was talking on his cell phone on President Street between Albany and Kingston Avenues when two African American males jumped him. One of them approached him from behind grabbing him around the neck while the other one grabbed his feet and together they knocked him onto the ground. One perp covered his mouth, asked if he had any money and uncovered his mouth for one moment to hear the answer, “no money”. They checked all of the Bochers’ pockets and when they failed to find anything fled across the Street toward Troy Avenue.

A by passer witnessed this, however failed to call Shmira until 10 minutes after the mugging and everyone had already left the scene. Shmira put in a lot of effort to locate the victim and were finally successful late Thursday night. Shmira members assisted the victim in filing the Police report and supplied a translator for the victim who only speaks Hebrew. The report was made and the victim was brought down to the precinct to speak to detectives who are looking into the mugging very seriously.

Crown Heights Shmira would like to emphasize the importance of filing Police reports. If you don’t report it, it’s as if it never happened. The NYPD cannot properly do their job if they are not made aware of the crimes that are occurring.


10 Responses to “Mugging on President Street, Crown Heights”
  1. Jack says:

    “Any Video Surveillance” this is at the same location of the hoodlums who threw rocks on Yidden, witch was posted on You Tube a while back.

  2. posted says:

    On the Hebrew side of they just posted a lot of pictures of Shmira catching a criminal, should post those pictures from

  3. WOW! says:

    Now thats a crazy story.

  4. Yitzchok says:

    sounds like these guys are professional.

  5. wondering says:

    DO the cops know who they are looking for?
    is there a sketch of these thugs?
    What about the witness?
    can he identify the perps?

  6. To jack says:

    I think what you are talking about happened on Crown or Carroll Street

  7. shmaya says:

    shmira thank you guys for trying to locate this bochur i guess the guy who was watching was inshocked but its very important to call shmira as soon as you see something going on entire incident can only take less than 5 minutes and its all over so every minute counts by you calling shmira the chances them catching the perp is very big chance and you can help keep another thug off the street

  8. Moshe says:

    I really look up to the Shmira members and their dedication to the cause.
    People do not realize the significance of making the report.
    If you don’t make the report you may be the cause of the same thing happening to someone else in YOUR neighborhood.
    Please make that report and help the rest of the residents.

  9. Shmira Fan says:

    Call Shmira right away, without delay!

  10. Shua says:

    could have been “good job shmira”
    If somone had called
    too bad