Shmira members prevent a mugging on the streets of Crown Heights

July 25, 2008 Filed under Shmira News


Thursday, July 24, 2008 11:59pm: A young girl walking in the alleyway between New York and Brooklyn Avenues Montgomery to Crown Streets was approached by a Hispanic male, around twenty five years of age, who yelled at her “Don’t move, don’t move”. The girl was frightened and began to run away with the man running after her. The man chased the girl onto her property where she began screaming for help. Her brother hearing her screams immediately called his friend, a Shmira member and asked for help. The Shmira member got on his radio and requested immediate assistance from other members to check out a possible mugging.

Shmira members responded and were on scene within seconds however the man, scared away by the screams, had fled. Shmira members began canvassing the area furnished with the girls’ description of the Perpetrator. The members spotted a man matching the description and flagged down a foot post. The Officers approached the suspect on Nostrand Avenue between Montgomery and Crown Streets to ask him a few questions. The Officers turned their heads for a split second and the suspect took off running down Nostrand Avenue toward Montgomery Street leaving a trail behind him including his baseball cap cell phone and other valuables. The Officers gave chase and the Shmira members joined in, coming from different directions to close in on the suspect.

The suspect ran left on Montgomery Street and made a quick right on to Clove Road and quickly dove into the bushes on the right side attempting to hide. One of the Shmira members ran past the bush where the suspect was hiding and the suspect thinking that the Officer had passed, made a dash back toward Montgomery Street right into the hand of the Officers. The Officers then attempted to place the suspect under arrest however the suspect fought back and would not allow the Officers to cuff him and began to physically resist. The Officers finally got the perpetrator pinned on the ground but he was still firmly holding his hand beneath him not allowing the Officers to cuff him. While the Officers were on the ground struggling with the Perpetrator a Shmira member, at the Officers request transmitted a 10-85 (Officer requesting assistance) over the Officers’ radio while other members and bystanders called 911 to request further assistance for the Officers.

Backup arrived and the suspect was placed under arrest. As is usual in these cases, this man has a criminal record and has been previously arrested multiple times, three of which were for robbery. He will be charged with trespassing, attempted mugging, Obstruction of Governmental Administration and resisting arrest.

Crown Heights Shmira would like to thank all the NYPD Officers, especially Sergeant Giambrone and the arresting Officers Officer Viera and Officer Flores for their quick response, courteous and respectful demeanor and working with us toward our common goal.


33 Responses to “Shmira members prevent a mugging on the streets of Crown Heights”
  1. Bystander says:

    i would like to thank shmira for the great work !!
    keep it up .
    i would like to thank the man who is in the picture with the cop,
    he took care of everything after they took the Hispanic male to the 71 pct,
    he went to make sure all was takin care of.

    thank you shmira

  2. DAVID says:

    Shmira you make me feel safe.
    Thank you for keeping the thugs off our streets

  3. Fan says:

    NICE PICS!!!!!!

  4. Shmira fan says:

    thank god for Shmira!! well done

  5. Mother says:

    What was a young girl doing alone in the alley at night? Where were her parents. Please convey to your children what a silly idea that is, walking in the alley, meeting people in the alley, walking down a street alone at night. You need to take care of yourself, firstly, and being careful where you go is the first step to safety.

  6. Jack Canada says:

    Rabosai, its time to move back to Crown Heights. “Kan Tzivah Hashem es Ha’Brocho” these are the words of the rebbe. If somebody needs a blessing, support the Shmira of Crown Heights! The Shmira of Crown Heights are enforcing these words with an emes. With blessings from all over the globe, you make us proud.

    Thank You From Canada.

  7. Moshe says:

    Thank you Shmira, one more off the streets.

  8. Yisrael says:

    Looks like a real seasoned criminal
    hats off to those Officers who got down and dirty and made the arrest

  9. CH Resident says:

    “He will be charged with trespassing, attempted mugging, Obstruction of Governmental Administration and resisting arrest.”

    I wonder if he will even sit in jail for all those offenses.

  10. Eli says:

    what was a girl doing in the alley at night?

  11. I was there says:

    The girl was a 18 year old and she had just parked her car in the back of her house.
    Thats what I understood maybe i am wrong.

  12. Nice!! says:

    The Officers asked the Shmira member to call an 85 on the NYPD radio

    thats cool!!!!

  13. crazy says:

    you run, your done.

    the guy has NO brains running like that.

  14. ninety oh says:

    Great job guys, you make us feel so much safer.
    lock em criminals up one by one.

    btw those officers did a great job holding him down, he tried very hard to get away. thats y the shmira member had to call for backup, the cop couldnt take his hand off…..

  15. it wosent shmira says:

    shmira did not do anything, i was there the hole time, the cops did evrything shmira just got in the way.

  16. Eye Witness says:

    The girl was not wandering in the alley to meet anyone. she simply got out of her car, parked in the driveway, at the back of her house. The perp followed her from her car towards the side entrance to her house. And was approached within feet of her door.

  17. joey says:

    the way things go in ch he will only sit b/c of the resisting arrest the cops seem to care only about themself’s

  18. bother of the victim says:

    shmira did an out standing job! i called them b4 the police showd up. shmira was their in a blink of an eye…with out 1 of the shmira members bein their he would of got away. thank god for shmira.

  19. cousin says:

    good job Eli!!!!

  20. menashe says:

    You should give some of those pics to the arresting Officers to hang on their wall

  21. yankee says:

    Unbelievable! shmira ROCKS!

  22. Zelig says:

    U guys are the best. wish i was ther to help.

  23. Eye Witness says:

    TO: it wosent shmira Says:
    if you say shmira did not help why didn’t you help.. i know that shmira help the cops alot so you can see from the pictures. “‘a picture says everything ”

    go shmira keep it up and don’t let people like this put you down, you did great…..

  24. Comunity Member for 41 years says:

    Thank you Shmera and Officers! Greate Job. Shmerah has been protecting this comunity for many years with all they got, and we appreciate it. You ar a vital asset. Keep up the good work.

  25. Shmira lover says:

    shmira u guys did a very good job! all u guys need now are more cars on the st of crown heights

  26. Shmira lover says:

    lol shmira is cool! if thay let girls join…im in

  27. I was not there says:

    To It wasent Shmira:
    Read the article and more important look at the PICTURES
    Why do you say Shmira did not help?
    If you thought they were doing a bad job you should have helped yourself
    Anyhow a picture is worth a thousand words.
    Shmira keep it up and don’t pay attention to people like that they are only jealous. You guys keep us safe!

  28. ????? says:

    good job shmira. keep up the good work in crown heights taking one after the other!!

  29. ch says:

    thank you shmira for puuting your lives on the line for us you are great not everyone has that courage

  30. Yisrael says:

    In 2 words THANK YOU!!!!!!

  31. Jack says:

    To Yisrael
    It’s five words, but gut gezuckt

  32. Larry says:

    Nice pics, this was one of the niceness pics that i saw of cops holding town the perp, and keep up the good work shmira and keep on taking good pics and stay safe.

  33. chabad says:

    good job, shmira! ‘al yavosh mipnay hamaleigim!!!’